Bethany Larkin (MBA/MPH) and Angela Udongwo (MPH) were 2019 AHIA graduate student participants. Both were captured by the possibilities of bio-innovation and the entrepreneurial ecosystem that is rapidly growing across Africa. Bethany took over as AHIA Program Manager in Spring 2020. Angela joins Bethany as Project Coordinator. Together, they will work to build AHIA’s digital presence and offer more opportunities to connect with and educate entrepreneurs on critical aspects of building successful healthcare business ventures. In the picture to the right, Dennis Liotta and Angela show off their ‘work from home’ feline companions. Welcome to the team!
AHIA Team participates in virtual GAP Shark Tank
AHIA’s Charlie Goetz, Amelia Schaffner, and Bethany Larkin joined a team of Emory Business professors and students to provide pitch feedback to innovators participating in GAP (Gauteng Accelerator Program) operated by The Innovation Hub. Emory has provided business training for the GAP program since 2012.
Congrats to all the finalists! (Click here for a list of finalists).
Learn more about The Innovation Hub:
Bio Innovation Resource Hub launches!
After a summer of hard work, AHIA, in close partnership with AfricaBio, launched the Bio Innovation Resource Hub. The vision is that the Hub will provide curated resources for bio-innovators in Africa to help innovators achieve the next step in their entrepreneurial journeys. The Hub launched with a focus on COVID-19; however, it is quickly pivoting to be a resource of events, funding, and business resources to support bio-innovators.
Pictured: AHIA Program Manager, Bethany Larkin, presents the Bio Innovation Hub Concept during the plenary session at the Bio Africa Conference 2020.
Check out the Bio Innovation Hub here:
The BIO Africa Innovation Hub is a novel approach to support the bio-innovation pipeline in Africa. AfricaBio has partnered with Emory University to conceptualise building a digital entrepreneurial ecosystem to address the immediate (Covid-19) and long-term needs of bio-innovation in Africa. The partnership was featured in Mail & Guardian- Africa’s Best Read.