2019 Innovator featured on CNBC Africa

Aloys Rukundo, 2019 AHIA Participant, explains HelloMed’s business solution to making healthcare more accessible in Rwanda to CNBC. To watch the full interview, please click here.

Follow HelloMed on twitter: @HelloMedRwanda

Check out the website: https://www.hellomed.rw/#/

AHIA Founder, Dennis Liotta, receives Emory International Award

Source: Emory news, 2020

Source: Emory news, 2020

Dr. Dennis Liotta was honored with Emory’s 2019-2020 Marion V. Creekmore Award for Internationalization. Dr. Liotta received this award for both his work in drug development for HIV, Hepititus B and C, and other viral infectious as well as his commitment to supporting scientists and innovators around the world.

Congratulations, Dr. Liotta!

To read the full article, please click below.